Kalopsia : The Curse (Digital Book)
by Adémide Onikoyi
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Kalopsia as a digital book is a compilation of poems and images, curated & written by Adémide Onikoyi & Ukhona Zwide. It tells the detailed life story of young men thrown to the jaws of the world a little earlier than they should have. Facing battles in the Physical, Metaphysical, Mental and Spiritual as they trail and tread on the Grey-lines between the Darkness and Light as prescribed by their Guardians. Curses are the solemn utterances and the imprecate proclamations that are intended to invoke an un-natural series of occurrences, thus inflicting harm, pain, anguish and essentially punishment on someone who bears them with their entirety. The delusion of seeing beauty in nothing and seeing nothing in what is indeed beautiful is a curse bore’ by our writers, as they pour out their souls in final acceptance of the lives they have lived and the realities they’ve altered by this curse, and in essence, this digital book aims to bring you, the readers, into their worlds and behind the imageries of these chimeric natures. Covering over a handful of chapters dated at each stage and interval of the writers lives. Kalopsia serves as a colourful window into the hearts of these emotionally aware men.
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10 August 2022
The Onikoyis
180 Pages
15 MBs